Welcome to the Student Course Perceptions survey home base, the place to share your learning experiences as a University of Waterloo student.
SCP survey results:
Completing your SCP surveys is the most powerful way to have YOUR VOICE heard!
You will be asked to complete an SCP survey for each of the courses in which you are enrolled. The survey comprises questions about your learning experiences.
Most of the questions ask for a response ranging from “Strongly Disagree” to “Strongly Agree”. If you feel a question does not apply you can select: “Have no basis for rating.”
An example of a survey
There are also three open-ended questions about your experiences. Please use this space to include constructive comments about your experience in the course.
Please remember that your instructor is a real person!
Generally surveys will be opened near the end of each term, usually 2-4 weeks before the last day of courses.
All instructors will be encouraged to provide time during class to complete the surveys, but you can also complete them on their own time. Survey timing will vary between faculties. You will be notified by email and in class that they are ready for your input.
The evaluations can be completed using any computer, phone, or tablet device connected to the internet.
Yes, student feedback remains absolutely anonymous!
Once your survey is submitted, we remove all identifying data (and cannot recover it).
Note: This also means we cannot un-submit your surveys. Please always make sure you're completing the correct survey before submitting!